Music made love to me in the womb of my mother. I remember it like it was yesterday. Sounds. Melodies. Harmonies swimming through the darkness I was floating in. Making me feel safe, and never alone. So when people call me a visionary or an artist, I feel humbled. But it’s not the truth. Music was not something I chose to do. Not a hobby I pursued, or a passion I developed. It was my destiny. Music chose me. Found me in my most vulnerable, raw state, and gifted me with its presence. That’s why I can’t call it talent. It is a divine mission put upon me.
People marvel at my talent. But I just like to call myself lucky to be blessed. Chosen. To bring what I bring into this world. And providing a musical cure. Musical medicine. New York Times labeled me as “The Pioneer of The Electromantic”. 
All I can say to that is thank you. Thank you for truly listening. For truly opening your ears. And for those who don’t, you’ll get there. I believe in you. I put all of you into my work. It is not art. It is birth. A renaissance. I’m not a man with a vision. I’m a man with a mission.